Kada prođe januar, i još plus kada u januaru bude 10 stepeni, ja se automatski prebacujem na prolećni mod. I trenutno mi svaki hladan dan jaaako teško pada, jer jedva čekam da odbacim kaput. Dodatni razlog što jedva čekam proleće je taj što sam još u decembru kupila diiivne prolećne patikice, pa ne mogu da izdržim više da ih ne nosim. Iz tog razloga, ovim postom, dozivam proleće da što pre stigne, čak ću i kolače spremiti. :)
When january goes by, and when it is 10 degrees (Celsius) outside, automaticaly I am switching to spring mode. At the moment, every cold day is so hard to accept because I cannot wait to throw away my coat. Additional reason why I want spring immediately is because I bought very cute sneakers and I want to wear them. Because of all that I summon the spring to come ASAP, I'll even make a cookies. :)
Ovaj post će biti dugačak i šaren i pomalo neuobičajen, ali kada se pomene proleće ili samo pomislim na toplo vreme, prepuna sam ideja, i razletela bih se na milion strana, samo kad bih mogla to fizički da postignem.
This post would be long and colorful and somehow strange, but when I say "spring" or just think of warm weather, I am full of ideas, and I would go everywhere and do everything, only if I could physicaly make it.
Ono čemu se posebno radujem ovog proleća su boje :) Iako, oni koji me poznaju sigurno neće poverovati u ovu izjavu (moj kolorit se do sada zadržavao na grayscale-u)...
What I am especialy waiting for this spring are colors :) Although, people who know me would not believe in this statement (until now, my colors were only in grayscale)...
Pantone izbor boja za predstojeće proleće je sledeći, a zatim slede nijanse koje bih uvrstila u "moje" boje ovog proleća.
Pantone's choice of colors for this spring is below, and after that you can see colors which I take as "mine" for this spring.
This post would be long and colorful and somehow strange, but when I say "spring" or just think of warm weather, I am full of ideas, and I would go everywhere and do everything, only if I could physicaly make it.
Ono čemu se posebno radujem ovog proleća su boje :) Iako, oni koji me poznaju sigurno neće poverovati u ovu izjavu (moj kolorit se do sada zadržavao na grayscale-u)...
What I am especialy waiting for this spring are colors :) Although, people who know me would not believe in this statement (until now, my colors were only in grayscale)...
Pantone izbor boja za predstojeće proleće je sledeći, a zatim slede nijanse koje bih uvrstila u "moje" boje ovog proleća.
Pantone's choice of colors for this spring is below, and after that you can see colors which I take as "mine" for this spring.
Kad smo već kod boja, iako se trudim da ne delim lakove prema godišnjim dobima, nekako me ove boje asociraju baš na lepo vreme i nemam naviku da ih nosim zimi (tada sam najviše raspoložena za tamnije varijante ljubičaste, crvene, sive i crne).
Speaking of colors, I am trying not to share nailpolishes by time of the year, but somehow these colors reminds me of warm weather and I don't wear them at winter (at winter, I am in dark purple, red, gray and black).
Tu su i poslastice koje jedva čekaju lepo vreme i duge šetnje. Macaroons & kapkejks su poželjni u svim mogućim kombinacijama, kao i ceđeno voće i smoothies.
There are also some delicious things which cannot wait for nice weather and long walks. Macaroons & cupcakes are welcome in all combinations, so as fresh juices and smoothies.
Toplo vreme će omogućiti i da se nosi laganija garderoba i lagana i udobnija obuća. Platnene patike ili starke, šta god više volite.
Warmer weather means that we could wear some lighter clothes and shoes. Sneakers or Chuck Taylors, it's your choice.
Uz to bi onda išla i neka neobavezna punđica sa dodatkom leptir mašne :)
For that, perfect match would be some messy bun with bow tie :)
Što se tiče uređenja stana i dekoracije, imam dosta planova kako bih uredila svoj prostor. Ono što me najviše privlači je skandinavski dizajn, koji uz samo par ubačenih detalja i boja iz zimskog prelazi u prolećni.
For interior and apartment decoration I have many plans. What I like the most is scandinavian design, which can transform from winter to spring with added just a few details and some color.
Pored boja, počela sam da volim i cveće. Omiljeni su mi lale i allium ili ukrasni luk.
Beside the colors, I started to like flowers. My favorite are tulips and allium.
Neki od njih će sigurno ovog proleća naći svoje mesto u mom stanu. Neke od cvetnih dekoracija koje su na mene ostavile utisak su tu.
Some of them will for sure take their spot at my place. Some of flower decoration that impressed me are below.
Ako već ubacujem boje, nije fer onda da mi šolje ne budu u tom raspoloženju :)
Since I am going with the colors, than it is not fair for mug not to be in that colorful mood :)
Kao što natpis sa poslednje šolje kaže - The Adventure Begins. Proleće je pravo vreme za putovanja i izlete.
As sign on the last mug says - The Adventure Begins. Spring is right time for roadtrips and picnics.
Ako ste više tip za ostanak u gradu, onda nađite vama omiljenu baštu i ušuškajte se.
If you are more for staying in the city, you can find your favorite garden and enjoy in it.
Ovo što ste mogli da vidite iznad bi bio samo deo onoga što me inspiriše... Uskoro ću pisati o nekim idejama koje sam realizovala.
Nadam se da će vam neka od ovih slika poslužiti da i vi poželite da vaše inspiracije pretvorite u delo.
Šta vam se najviše svidelo?
This (from pictures above) would be only one part of what inspires me... Soon I'll write about some ideas which I realized.
I hope you can use some of these pictures to realize something of your inspirations.
What do you like the most?
Hvala što čitate / Thanks for reading

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